SALA is amazing. And it's here. So much to see, so little time!
"Sense of Six" by Parks Artists in Residence.
Vaughan Green (sculpture), Tanya Harrison (painting), Danica Headland (printmaking/photography), Sunshine gb March (ceramics), Brian O'Regan (painting/mixed media) and Rita Poznanski (felt).
Opening THIS FRIDAY! the 6th of August at 6:30.
Axis GAllery, Parks Centre.
Building 10, 2-46 Cowan Street, Angle Park
Exhibition open until the 27th of August.
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5pm.
Here's a sneak peek of my contribution to the fabulous festival.
detail of "a princess story" and "a scary story". you'll have to come along to find out what happens!
Westcare Karpandi are having an exhibition of work by people who come to/run the Community Arts Workshop or are involved with/supported by the centre. Check out the
facebook events page and come on along! I'll be there Wednesday afternoons 12:30 - 3.
Happy SALA-ing!