Just in case you happen to check back in to see what's been happening in the land of Sunshine........
In May a few members of Paris Flat Housing Co-operative (of which I am a part) organised an exhibition @ Hindmarsh Library "Pugs to Poodles".
Here's some of my contributions.
In July, with a grant from Hindmarsh council, I attended a WEA course on photography which was loads of fun - here's some fun "drawing with light" at the night excursion!

August saw me head overseas for a family occasion and a short European holiday with my own little family (set to expand as you can see!).
London, Barcelona, Paris.
While I was away some new Palm Plates were shown in an exhibition at Gallery M called "Seeing Beyond The Landscape". "Brompton Landscape - Urban" (in progress) shown with original drawings.

September I brewed a baby..... This is me and the bump (known as Beryl at this stage) all dressed up for a night out at the Australian Ceramics Triennale 2012, hosted by Adelaide.
And then she arrived - Vim Violet.... and that's what I've been up to.